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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question or problem that isn't covered in the FAQ, please e-mail csadmin@unlv.edu.



  • Question: Why am I getting a "Connection Refused" error when I try and log in from home?
    • Answer: Our servers use Fail2Ban to reduce attempts at gaining unauthorized access to our systems. See if you are able to log into the other server (java). Most bans last only 10 minutes, but a large number of failed attempts from a single IP address can result in a longer ban. If you believe this has happened, please contact the System Administrator.
  • Question: Where can I find a list of programs and versions that are installed on the servers/lab computers?
    • Answer: This list will be available as part of the Lab Upgrade mentioned below.


  • Question: When logged in to multiple lab machines, [X] program stops working/has bugs. Why?
    • Answer: When logging in to a lab machine, your home directory is mounted from our main file server. Additionally, you can also setup .bashrc and .vimrc files, so your environment stays the same no matter which system you are using. Some programs, like Firefox, save metadata to these directories including file locks and PID numbers. When one system is running Firefox and you log in to another system and attempt to start Firefox, the second system will see these files created by the first. It will see a PID corresponding to the process on the first system, and attempt to switch to that process. Since the process doesn't exist on the second system, the net effect is that nothing happens. To prevent this, please avoid being logged in to multiple lab machines at the same time.